Upcoming events to discuss the works of Edgar Allan Poe live on Zoom.

September 24th @7 PM CST

Poe Unplugged

Read Jules Verne’s novel, An Antarctic Mystery, and be ready to discuss it. Jules Verne’s novel is a sequel to Poe’s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket.

We will send out a Zoom link the day of the event through email.

Photo from Image by https://www.amazon.com/Best-Verne-Antarctic-Mystery-Illustrated/dp/1952433983/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2A4J9XAYZYQNS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ZAVwnTVlWQ3N7FjeRu42SJymD76uZtfD0KZuR1JsDLUi0YTz6SoNkLNWReIwAWJn-ahfux5v96eUqwvHssXSYkKycEPuXETz2-mpZNMwmnDobtLeFE8cay0hSc_u_aCRUflZHX9A5RjpgUgczHyKLnQY8AtL8CsFM-rZVbzWwOsXvG7GIZJUzJMgVMmJ8OEJVaLe1FXr9d8lzHu6BbKpUA.u09mTZqhLLYTRF4y2VoEsIQ0rBEZ_D3KBRPPplzQXzY&dib_tag=se&keywords=an+antarctic+journey+jules+verne&qid=1724985466&s=books&sprefix=an+antarctic+journey+jules+venr%2Cstripbooks%2C574&sr=1-4

Register for the event at the button below.

Event Four

Event Four

We will be discussing Sci Fi with Poe’s The Balloon Hoax for this session of Poe Unplugged. We have attached a link for you to go to for the reading material.

Please register here for the event. We will send you the Zoom link the day of the event for you to join.

Here is a link to Poe’s The Balloon Hoax to read before the event.

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Event Three

Event Three

Join us for a discussion of Poe’s influence in Pop Culture. Bring your favorite example of Pop Culture Poe. He has been in songs, tv shows, movies, etc.

Please use this link to register:


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Event One

Event One

Let's read Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and discuss our thoughts about the work, bring questions and comments. Be prepared to interact in a fun discussion about one of the greatest rhythmic poems of all time.

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